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Fabio Cintoli

Fabio Cintoli is Professor of administrative law and is employed at the Luspio University in Rome. He was ordinary judge and judge of the Administrative Regional Tribunal in the 90’s. Later than he was in charge as member of the Italian Council of State until 2007, selected trough open exams, and he worked both in the judiciary and consulting sections.

He was also assistant of one of the Constitutional Court Justices in the first 2000’s, than legal advisor of the President of the Italian Senate and Secretary general of the Italian National Competition Authority and member of several governmental committees. His books and articles focus on administrative litigation and administrative proceeding, public procurement, antitrust and regulation.

Here are some of his recent publications:

  • Concorrenza, istituzioni e servizio pubblico, Milano, Giuffrè, 2010
  • Le innovazioni del processo amministrativo sui contratti pubblici, Dir. proc. amm. 2012, 3 e ss.
  • L’avvalimento tra principi di diritto comunitario e disciplina dei contratti pubblici, Riv. it. dir. pubbl. com., 2011, 1421 e ss.
  • L’art. 41 della Costituzione tra il paradosso della libertà di concorrenza e il “diritto della crisi”, in Diritto e società, 2009, 373 e ss.