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European Integration Process in the 1970's: the Origins of the European Foreign Policy

14 maggio 2015 ore 15:58

Room 405A Viale Romania, 32

Research Seminar:

European Integration Process in the 1970's: the Origins of the European Foreign Policy

  • Lorenzo Ferrari, Ph.D. IMT Lucca: Sometimes speaking with a single voice. The origins of European cooperation in international affairs, 1969-79
  • Benedetto Zaccaria, Ph.D. IMT Lucca: Between Cold War and European Integration. The relationship between the EEC and Yugoslavia during the 1970s


  • Dr. Maria Elena Cavallaro, IMT Lucca, LUISS School of Government
  • Prof. Jolyon Howorth, Yale University
  • Prof. Antonio Varsori, Padua University

For information and registrations:

LUISS School of Government

Tel: 0039 06 85225052
