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The transformation of parliamentary organisation by technology innovation

3 ottobre 2016 ore 9:30

Sala del Mappamondo Piazza Montecitorio

First inaugural conference of the Joint Master in Parliamentary Procedures and Legislative Drafting Erasmus+ Programme, Academic Year 2016/2017

9.30: Greetings

  • Michele Nicoletti, President of the Italian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)

9.45: Introduction

  • Nicola Lupo, EUPADRA Director, LUISS Guido Carli

10.00-11.00: Keynote Speech on “Democratic Institutions between Transparency and Secrecy”

  • Iain Cameron, University of Uppsala

11.00-13.00: Roundtable on “Open Parliaments: How New Technologies Are Changing Their Organisation”

  • Fotis Fitsilis, Hellenic Parliament - María José Martínez Iglesias, European Parliament
  • Giovanni Rizzoni, Italian Chamber of Deputies -
  • Rafael Rubio Núñez, Complutense University of Madrid


  • Javier García Roca, Director, Constitutional Law Department, Complutense University of Madrid

13.00-14.30: Lunch

14.30-15.30: Keynote Speech on “Parliamentary Structure and Digital Democracy”

  • Cristina Leston-Bandeira, University of Leeds

15.30-17.30: Roundtable on “Parliaments and Public Engagement”

  • Iain Cameron, University of Uppsala
  • Piedad Garcia Escudero, Complutense University of Madrid
  • Federico Silvio Toniato, Italian Senate of the Republic


  • Carmela Decaro, Director, LUISS Center for Parliamentary Studies

17.30-18.00: Coffee break

18.00-18.30: Introduction to the EUPADRA Master Programme

  • Nicola Lupo, LUISS Guido Carli
  • Javier García Roca, Director, Constitutional Law Department, Complutense University of Madrid
  • Giovanni Piccirilli, LUISS Guido Carli

18.30-19.00: Official opening of the 1st edition of the Master

  • Enzo Moavero Milanesi, Director, LUISS School of Law
  • Giovanni Orsina, Deputy Director, LUISS School of Government
  • Massimo Egidi, LUISS Guido Carli Rector


Jacket and Tie are required to access the conference venue. ID/Passport control at the entrance.