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The constitutional mechanism of State intervention in Autonomous Communities (article 155 of the Spanish Constitution)

22 marzo 2018 ore 16:00

Facultad de Derecho Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Sala de Juntas Av. Séneca 2, 28040 Madrid

Seminar organized within the EUPADRA Erasmus+ Joint Master in Parliamentary Procedures and Legislative Drafting:

  • Manuel Cavero Gómez (Chief Clerk, Senate): “The implementationof Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution: Theprocedure followed in the Senate”


  • Javier García Roca (UCM): “A reading in ten theses of theextraordinary control of the State over the AutonomousCommunities (article 155 of the Spanish Constitution) after its implementation in Catalonia”


  • Nicola Lupo and Renato Ibrido (LUISS University, Rome): “The dissolution of the Regional Councils as an extrema ratio:about the reasons of the non-application of Article 126.1of the Italian Constitution”