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Stefania Panebianco

Stefania Panebianco, PhD in International Relations, is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Catania, where she teaches Comparative Politics (undergraduate course) and Mediterranean Politics (graduate course). 

She is member of the EISA/ECPR SGIR (Standing Group of International Relations) Steering Committee and of the SISP (Società Italiana di Scienza Politica) Steering Committee. She is also co-editor of the online journal Italian Political Science (IPS), co-convenor of the Standing Group sull’Unione Europea (SGUE), and is part of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies. She serves as reviewer for several international journals. 

Her main research interests include Euro-Mediterranean relations; Mediterranean security; the EU as an international actor; democratization processes in the Mediterranean. She has recently published L'Unione Europea 'potenza divisa' nel Mediterraneo (EGEA, Milano, 2012) and co-edited Winds of Democratic Change in the Mediterranean? Actors, Processes and Outcomes with Rosa Rossi (Rubbettino, Soveria-Mannelli, 2012).