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Programme and Structure

This one-year Master focuses on law, institutions and public policies of the European Union (EU). Half of the courses have a legal and half a public policy background.

Following successful completion of the course requires 60 ECTS:

  • 10 core courses (200 hours);
  • 4 elective courses (80 hours).

Legal Core Courses

1 Introduction to the Legal System of the EU – Professor Luigi Daniele  (University of Tor Vergata, Rome

2. Institutional and Legal Aspects of EU Integration – Professor Robert Schütze (University of Durham, UK)

3. The Substantive Law of the EU: The Four Freedoms - Professor Daniele Gallo (LUISS, Rome)

4. Law of the EU External Relations - Professor Jan Wouters (University of Leuven

5. The Judicial System of the EU - Marc Jaeger, President of the General Court, and Massimo F. Orzan, Legal clerk, Cabinet of the President of the General Court

Public Policy Core Courses

6. The Development of European Integration – tbc

7. Institutions and Policies of the EU: A Comparative Perspective - Prof. Sergio Fabbrini (LUISS)

8. EU Policy-Making and Regulation – Professor Simon Bulmer (University of Sheffield) and Professor Mark Thatcher (LUISS and LSE)

9. EU Internal Market and Competition Policy - Professor Adrienne Héritier, European University Institute

10. Democracy in the EU and the Political Economy of the Economic and Monetary Union - Professor Vivien Schmidt (Boston University)

Overview of core courses

Elective courses (4 ECTS each)

In addition, there are elective courses. In law, these have included EU Energy & Environmental Law, The Law of the European Economic and Monetary Union, European Social law, EU Administrative Law and EU Competition Law. There are also public policy, which have ranged from European Foreign and Security Policy to Brexit to Justice, Freedom and Security in the EU and Cohesion Policies in the EU and EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy.

Master of Law (LL.M) mention is available to participants who:

  • Completed a Master Degree in Law for Italian candidates this is comparable to »Laurea a ciclo unico in Giurisprudenza») before the enrollment in the programme
  • Have chosen 4 elective courses among the category “Legal Electives”
  • Have completed a final dissertation on a topic associated to a «Legal Core» or «Legal Electives» course

The active participation at guest professional seminars organized by LUISS School of Law and LUISS School of Government is strongly suggested. 

A final dissertation of 20,000 words to be written under the supervision of a member of the faculty of the Master and must be submitted in September after the end of courses. The official graduation ceremony will take place in March oafter the end of courses.