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A Lectio Magistralis by KLAUS WELLE, Secretary-General of the European Parliament

5 maggio 2016 ore 11:00

Sala delle Colonne Viale Pola, 12


  • Sergio Fabbrini, Director LUISS School of Government
  • Amie Kreppel, University of Florida
  • Nicola Lupo, LUISS School of Government
  • Robert Schuetze, Durham University

Short Bio:

Klaus Welle became the Secretary-General of the European Parliament on March 2009. He was previously Head of the Office of the President of the European Parliament,Hans-Gert Poettering MEP, from January 2007.Head of Foreign and European Affairs for the Christian-Democratic Union (CDU) party in Bonn (1991-94). Klaus Welle served as Secretary -General of the European People's Parti (EPP), before becoming Secretary-General of the Center-Right Group in the European Parliament.     
