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BREXIT? The British Referendum and the Future of Europe

12 maggio 2016 ore 16:30

Room 405A Viale Romania, 32

16.30-17.00 - Introduction:

  • Sergio Fabbrini, Director LUISS School of Government

17.00-18.15 - The UK and the Process of European Integration 

  • Domenico Maria Bruni, IMT School for Advanced Studies 
  • Marco Piantini, Senior Adviser on EU Affairs to the Italian Prime Minister
  • Vivien Schmidt, Boston University

18.15-18.30: Coffee break

18.30-19.45 - The Implications for the common foreign Security Policy

  • Micheal Cox, London School of Economics and Political sciences
  • Jolyon Howorth, Yale University
  • Antonio Missiroli, European Union Institute for Security Studies


  • Antoine Vauchez, Université Paris 1 Sorbonne.
