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Four years later: A discussion on the Technocratic Government led by Mario Monti

image-2015 Dec 4 - 12:04

On MondayNovember 16, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. in Viale Pola's Sala delle Colonne, the LUISS School of Government hosted an interview to reflect on the Monti Government experience and the relationship between technical appointments and politics. The event marked four years from the technical government experience as well as a publication by the journal XXI secolo on the role of technocrats in democratic governments.

The interview was introduced by LUISS Rector Massimo Egidi alongside Director of the School of Government Sergio Fabbrini and moderated by Antonio Varsori, Director of XXI Secolo. Participants included Senator Mario MontiFabrizio BarcaGiampaolo di Paola, Elsa Fornero, LUISS School of Law Director Enzo Moavero Milanesi, and LUISS Vice Rector Paola Severino.

Sergio Fabbrini interview Mario Monti

The Monti Government won the Senate's vote of confidence on November 17, 2011 and stayed in office until April 23, 2013. It was the second goverment to be entirely comprised of technocrats since the Dini Government, in power from January 17, 1995 until May 17, 1996.
