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African Diplomats Visit the International Relations Directorate of the Cabinet of the Mayor of Rome, SACE, Accademia Costume e Moda, and FIGC Headquarters!

African Diplomats Visit the International Relations Directorate of the Cabinet of the Mayor of Rome, SACE, Accademia Costume e Moda, and FIGC Headquarters! 

In a significant step towards fostering international collaboration and promoting diplomatic ties, the group of esteemed African diplomats attending the Master in Global Public Diplomacy and Sustainable Development at Luiss SoG, recently had the privilege of visiting the headquarters of International Relations Directorate of the Cabinet of the Mayor of RomeSACE, Accademia Costume e Moda, and FIGC.

During their visit, the diplomats had the opportunity to engage in constructive dialogues with key representatives of the institutions. They exchanged insights on various global challenges and the discussions covered a wide range of topics, including future challenges of sustainable development,environmental issues and economic cooperation.