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Our GEGPA students attended the concluding seminar of the Policy Laboratory in Governance and Global Risk Management at CIFE

Joint Master in Global Economic Governance & Public Affairs

Our GEGPA students attended the concluding seminar of the Policy Laboratory in Governance and Global Risk Management at CIFE courtrooms in Niece.
It was a very fruitful seminar thanks to all participants concluding a seven-month intensive academic program on Global issues and risk management, from Roma and Berlin to Nice. Keynote speakers included Thierry Apoteker, chairman of TAC, Sara Brimbeuf of Transparency International, Cynthia Rocamora of Reclaim Finance, Cecilia Emma Sottilotta, Università per stranieri, Perugia, Chris McKee chairman of Political Risk Service-ICRG, Arnaud Leconte Director GEGPA Master, and CIFE Prof. Michel Henry Bouchet.

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