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This master course is designed not only to provide you with extensive academic knowledge and understanding about European and global affairs, but also to cultivate other skills designed expressly to enhance employability and aid professional career development.

Analytical Skills

Throughout the course, participants will learn how to study a wide range of issues and arrive to their own individual judgments while presenting conclusions in effective arguments.

Conceptual Skills

The inherently interdisciplinary and global nature of this course pushes students to master a wide range of theoretical approaches to European and global affairs.

Organisational and Research Skills

Students are taught to work on their own initiative and show self-reliance. As well as following the curriculum and readings, participants will define their own projects while interacting with academics and professionals from both institutions.

Project Management Skills

This course will pushes students to manage extensive projects from start to finish. This requires managing time effectively, and learning how to prioritize and plan actions with specific objectives in mind. The culmination of this growing project management challenge is again the final dissertation.

Communication Skills

The programme aims at teaching how to organise and present arguments effectively both in writing and in oral communication while operating a multicultural environment. This will provide allow students to learn how to express themselves in a concise and professional manner.

Team-working skills

Students are expected to work within a multicultural environment both in Italy and the United Kingdom. This includes sharing out tasks for greater efficiency, agreeing fair divisions of labour, coordinating joint efforts without a clearly designated leader, and learning how to handle differences in ability or commitment within the group.