News News 6 May 2013 Awarding of an Honorary Degree to Mario Draghi On Monday, May 6, at 3 p.m., in the Aula Magna Mario Arcelli (Viale Pola 12 campus), the ceremony awarding an honorary degree to Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank, will be held.... 3 May 2013 Open Day at LUISS School of Government Tuesday 14 May 2013 come to visit the LUISS School of Government and discover our Master courses. We know choosing to study at postgraduate level is a big decision, and we want to ensure you have all... 30 April 2013 School of Government's Professors comments Italian political developments for foreign press Several professors of LUISS School of Government have commented recent developments in Italian Politics. 22 April 2013 - Le Monde (Prof. Roberto D'Alimonte) 22 April 2013 - Les Echos (Proff. Leonardo... 29 April 2013 Shirin Ebadi, 2003 Nobel Prize Laurate, meets School of Government students On May 9 2013 LUISS School of Government hosts Shirin Ebadi, 2003 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, for a seminar on "Rights, State and Religion". This seminar is organized within the Master in "... 29 April 2013 Lectio magistralis by Shirin Ebadi, 2003 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate On May 8 2013 LUISS School of Government in partnership with LUISS Guido Carli (Department of Political Science) and with the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, are pleased to host in Rome Dr. Shirin... 16 April 2013 Frank Benyon,Senior Fellow, European University Institute talks at LUISS School of Government On April 19 2013 LUISS School of Government hosts a seminar by Frank Benyon, Senior Fellow, European University Institute on: "Services and the EU Citizen". This seminar is part of prof... 16 April 2013 New executive program: "Legislative Procedures - Public Policy and Multilevel Governance" Luiss School of Government and Running are pleased to announce the first INTENSIVE EXECUTIVE PROGRAM on " Legislative Procedures - Public policy and multilevel governance". This training course... 15 April 2013 Panel discussion: "The Political American System: a Model for Us?" On April 17 2013, on the occasion of the publication of the new book “Se vuoi far l'americano” by Ennio Caretto, the LUISS School of Government and the "Comitati per la... 15 April 2013 Seminar: "Towards a Political Union?" On April 18 2013 the LUISS School of Government and the Center of Study on Parliament organize the seminar titled: "Towards a Political Union?". 15 April 2013 Roundtable on Populism, Protest and Political Propositions in Italy On April 19 2013 LUISS School of Government organizes a round table on "Populism, Protest and Political Propositions in Italy". 15 April 2013 Prof. Manos Karagiannis, Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki talks at LUISS School of Government On April 18 2013 LUISS School of Government host a seminar by Prof. Manos Karagiannis, Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, and visiting... 9 April 2013 LUISS School of Government organizes the first edition of the LUISS International Job Fair La LUISS School of Government, in collaboration with LUISS Placement and Carreer Education Office and Carriere Internazionali, on April 10 organizes the first edition of LUISS... 9 April 2013 Paola Bruni and Eleonora Mura, SoG Alumni, give professional seminars at LUISS Guido Carli 10 April, 11 a.m. classroom 401 – Viale Romania, 32 LUISS Guido Carli“Working in International Organizations: A Young Practitioner’s Perspective” Presented by:Eleonora MuraProgramme OfficerIDEA... 4 April 2013 New Executive Course on "Legislative Procedures - Public policy and multilevel governance" LUISS School of Government and RUNNING organize the first INTENSIVE EXECUTIVE PROGRAM in "Legislative Procedures - Public policy and multilevel governance". Application deadline: 30... 20 March 2013 Participation of professors from the School of Government at the colloque on “Où va l’Italie?” On February 27 some professors of the School of Government have partecipated at the colloque on “Où va l’Italie?”organized by SciencesPo, le CERI and Luiss School of Government. 13 February 2013 Summer School "International Trade: Law and Economics", Rome, 1-13 July 2013: Applications welcome LUISS School of Government is pleased to annouce the Summer School on International Trade: Law and Economics. This Summer School aims at providing professionals, government officials... « first ‹ previous … 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 … next › last »
6 May 2013 Awarding of an Honorary Degree to Mario Draghi On Monday, May 6, at 3 p.m., in the Aula Magna Mario Arcelli (Viale Pola 12 campus), the ceremony awarding an honorary degree to Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank, will be held....
3 May 2013 Open Day at LUISS School of Government Tuesday 14 May 2013 come to visit the LUISS School of Government and discover our Master courses. We know choosing to study at postgraduate level is a big decision, and we want to ensure you have all...
30 April 2013 School of Government's Professors comments Italian political developments for foreign press Several professors of LUISS School of Government have commented recent developments in Italian Politics. 22 April 2013 - Le Monde (Prof. Roberto D'Alimonte) 22 April 2013 - Les Echos (Proff. Leonardo...
29 April 2013 Shirin Ebadi, 2003 Nobel Prize Laurate, meets School of Government students On May 9 2013 LUISS School of Government hosts Shirin Ebadi, 2003 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, for a seminar on "Rights, State and Religion". This seminar is organized within the Master in "...
29 April 2013 Lectio magistralis by Shirin Ebadi, 2003 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate On May 8 2013 LUISS School of Government in partnership with LUISS Guido Carli (Department of Political Science) and with the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, are pleased to host in Rome Dr. Shirin...
16 April 2013 Frank Benyon,Senior Fellow, European University Institute talks at LUISS School of Government On April 19 2013 LUISS School of Government hosts a seminar by Frank Benyon, Senior Fellow, European University Institute on: "Services and the EU Citizen". This seminar is part of prof...
16 April 2013 New executive program: "Legislative Procedures - Public Policy and Multilevel Governance" Luiss School of Government and Running are pleased to announce the first INTENSIVE EXECUTIVE PROGRAM on " Legislative Procedures - Public policy and multilevel governance". This training course...
15 April 2013 Panel discussion: "The Political American System: a Model for Us?" On April 17 2013, on the occasion of the publication of the new book “Se vuoi far l'americano” by Ennio Caretto, the LUISS School of Government and the "Comitati per la...
15 April 2013 Seminar: "Towards a Political Union?" On April 18 2013 the LUISS School of Government and the Center of Study on Parliament organize the seminar titled: "Towards a Political Union?".
15 April 2013 Roundtable on Populism, Protest and Political Propositions in Italy On April 19 2013 LUISS School of Government organizes a round table on "Populism, Protest and Political Propositions in Italy".
15 April 2013 Prof. Manos Karagiannis, Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki talks at LUISS School of Government On April 18 2013 LUISS School of Government host a seminar by Prof. Manos Karagiannis, Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, and visiting...
9 April 2013 LUISS School of Government organizes the first edition of the LUISS International Job Fair La LUISS School of Government, in collaboration with LUISS Placement and Carreer Education Office and Carriere Internazionali, on April 10 organizes the first edition of LUISS...
9 April 2013 Paola Bruni and Eleonora Mura, SoG Alumni, give professional seminars at LUISS Guido Carli 10 April, 11 a.m. classroom 401 – Viale Romania, 32 LUISS Guido Carli“Working in International Organizations: A Young Practitioner’s Perspective” Presented by:Eleonora MuraProgramme OfficerIDEA...
4 April 2013 New Executive Course on "Legislative Procedures - Public policy and multilevel governance" LUISS School of Government and RUNNING organize the first INTENSIVE EXECUTIVE PROGRAM in "Legislative Procedures - Public policy and multilevel governance". Application deadline: 30...
20 March 2013 Participation of professors from the School of Government at the colloque on “Où va l’Italie?” On February 27 some professors of the School of Government have partecipated at the colloque on “Où va l’Italie?”organized by SciencesPo, le CERI and Luiss School of Government.
13 February 2013 Summer School "International Trade: Law and Economics", Rome, 1-13 July 2013: Applications welcome LUISS School of Government is pleased to annouce the Summer School on International Trade: Law and Economics. This Summer School aims at providing professionals, government officials...