Cecilia Jona-Lasinio is currently Full Professor of Applied Economics at Luiss Business School in Rome. She is also serving as Senior economic advisor for the Economics Department at the OECD coordinating the group of experts for the OECD – Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance joint project on Fostering multilateral cooperation on structural reforms and economic development. She is fellow at the NBER Program in Economic Measurement 2023.
She has been Adjunct Professor of international economics at Luiss University since 2015 and Senior researcher at the Econometric Studies and Economic Forecasting Division, Italian Institute of Statistics since 2012.
She authored many publications on Intangibles, ICT and Productivity Growth. Her main research interests are Digital economy, Economic Growth and Innovation, Intangible capital, ICT, Global Value Chains and International Competitiveness.
She has been involved in several European Commission Funded research projects and consultancies for government agencies and international organizations. She received her Ph.D in Econometrics and Empirical Economics at the University of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, and the Master degree in International Economics, DES (Diplome d’Etudes Superieures en Relationes Internationales), at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, (Switzerland).
Among her recent publications:
- Daveri F., C.Jona-Lasinio, (2008), “Off-shoring and Productivity Growth in the Italian Manufacturing Industries”, in CESifo Economic Studies; vol. 3/08.
- Daveri F., C.Jona-Lasinio, (2005), “Italy’s decline: getting the facts right”, in Giornale degli economisti e annali di economia, Vol.64, n.4.
- Iammarino, S., C.Jona-Lasinio, S.Mantegazza, (2005), “Produttività, nuove tecnologie e regioni: Prospettive per il dualismo italiano”,in La Questione Agraria, n.3 2005, Franco Angeli
- Guerrieri P., C. Jona-Lasinio, S. Manzocchi, (2005), “Which factors affect IT investment in European countries? A panel data analysis”, in Rivista di Politica Economica, January-February 2005, 3rd series.
- Bassanetti A., M. Iommi, C. Jona-Lasinio, F. Zollino, (2004), “The Slow Italian Growth During the 90s: is the gap in Information Technology the Story?” in “Temi di dicussione”, Banca d’Italia, n539.
- De Arcangelis G., Jona Lasinio C., Manzocchi S. (2002), “Sectoral determinants and dynamics of ICT investment in Italy”, in Rivista di Politica Economica, mag-giu 2004, serie III fascicoli V-VI.
- Iammarino, S., C.Jona-Lasinio, S.Mantegazza, (2001), “The regional dimension of the ICT industry in Italy. A preliminary description”, in Economia e Politica Industriale, n.110, October 2001.
- Iammarino S., Jona Lasinio C., Mantegazza S. (2001), “Sviluppo e diffusione dell’ICT: l’Italia negli anni ‘90”, Studi e Note di Economia, n.2/2001