Christian Blasberg is lecturer and researcher for Contemporary European History. An expert on the political history of European Liberalism and the Extreme Right. He has been teaching at University of Heidelberg (since 2001), Upter University of Rome (since 2000), University of Montréal (visiting prof. in 2010 and 2011) and LUISS University Rome (since 2008). At the School of Government he is the academic coordinator of the Master in European Studies (MES).
His current research is focused on the Giolitti period in Italy as well as a comparative study of European liberalisms after World War II. He has published in scientific reviews such as the “Jahrbuch zur Liberalismus-Forschung”, “Ventunesimo Secolo” and “Scena Illustrata” and has written for the “Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung”.
He got his Ph.D. in Contemporary History and Political Sciences at the University of Heidelberg in 2004. Since then he has been a research collaborator for the Luigi Einaudi Foundation in Rome and participated in various research projects on Italian post-world war II liberalism. A collaborator at Tardini Institute and Telma University in Rome, in 2008 he has been appointed scientific advisor for the Luigi Einaudi exhibition at the Quirinals Palace, Rome.
Some of his recent publications are:
- Blasberg, Christian (2008), Die Liberale Linke und das Schicksal der Dritten Kraft im italienischen Zentrismus, 1947-1951. Peter Lang, Frankfurt/Main.
- Blasberg, Christian (forthcoming), I liberali e la Repubblica. Storia del PLI tra 1943 e 1993.
- Blasberg, Christian (2011): Neither Fascism nor Republican Loyalism? Some considerations on the impact of the Croix de Feu/P.S.F. on the French Third Republic. In: Scena Illustrata, July 2011.
- Blasberg, Christian (2009), I liberali indipendenti e l’opposizione laico-democratica negli anni del centrismo. In: Grassi-Orsini, Fabio, Nicolosi, Gerardo (eds.), I liberali italiani dall’antifascismo alla Repubblica. Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, pp. 285-308.
- Blasberg, Christian (2009), Das Erbe Luigi Einaudis. Italiens Suche in der Vergnagenheti nach Ikonen fur die Gegenwart. In: Jahrbuch zur Liberalismus-Forschung.
- Blasberg, Christian (2009), 2008: l’anno della RAF - senza terrorismo. In: Scena Illustrata, January '09.
- Blasberg, Christian (2009), A peace made of war. How the conflicts between 1918 and 1922 shaped the Order of Versailles - and today's Europe. In: Scena Illustrata. June 2009.
- Blasberg, Christian (2008), La crisi del PLI. I liberali tra CLN e qualunquismo. In: 1945-1946, Le origini della Repubblica. A cura di Giancarlo Monina. Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, pp. 169-201.
- Blasberg, Christian (2008), Liberali per il centrosinistra: Radicali e Democrazia Liberale. In: I liberali nella Repubblica: l’alternativa sconfitta. Ventunesimo Secolo, n.15, pp. 57-80.
- Blasberg, Christian (2008), Schleyer - un precedente del caso Moro? In: Scena Illustrata, May '08.
- Blasberg, Christian (2004), Italienische Liberale im Umbruch - die Orientierungskrise des PLI zwischen Resistenza und Zentrismus, 1943-54. In: Jahrbuch zur Liberalismus-Forschung, pp. 193-220.
- Blasberg, Christian (forthcoming 2012), Sozialer Liberalismus als Instrument der Macht? Die Ära Giolitti in Italien 1901-14. In: 150 Jahre Deutsche Fortschrittspartei. Boehler-Verlag, Berlin.
- Blasberg, Christian (forthcoming 2013), The failure of the "New Liberals" in Italy after World War II. Political misperceptions and the missed leadership of Nicolò Carandini. [for DHI, Rome]
- Blasberg, Christian (forthcoming 2013), Does Social Liberalis generate War? Giolitti's Italy and the War in Libya, 1911/12. [for University of Reading]