Frédéric Mérand is a Professor of political science and scientific director of the University of Montreal Centre for International Studies (CÉRIUM). Specialized in European politics and International Relations, he was visiting Professor at Sciences Po Paris, McGill University and at the universities of Toronto, Strasbourg, Toulouse, Lille and Guido Carli in Rome. Previously, he worked as foreign policy advisor for the Canadian government.
His current research projects focus on relations between Europe and Russia, European political economy and the decline of great powers. He is the author of European Defence Policy: Beyond the Nation State (Oxford University Press, 2008) and co-authored Introduction à l’Union européenne. Institutions, politiques et sociétés (De Boeck, 2011). He has published in academic journals Security Studies, Journal of Common Market Studies, West European Politics, International Studies Quarterly, Cooperation and Conflict, Politique Européenne, Canadian Foreign Policy, International Journal.
Areas of expertise: European Union, Russia and Foreign and Defence Policy.
Selected Publications:
- Frédéric Mérand (ed.), Coping with Geopolitical Decline: The United States in European Perspective (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020).
- Magdalena Dembińska, Frédéric Mérand & Anastasiya Shtaltovna, “Conflict and Cooperation Between Europe and Russia: The Autonomy of the Local,” East European Politics (2020): 1-22.
- Frédéric Mérand, Stéphanie C. Hofmann & Bastien Irondelle, “Governance and State Power: A Network Analysis of European Security,” Journal of Common Market Studies 49:1 (2011): 121-147.
- Jane Jenson & Frédéric Mérand, “Sociology, Institutionalism and the European Union,” Comparative European Politics 8 (2010): 74-92.
- Frédéric Mérand, “Social Representations in the European Security and Defence Policy,” Cooperation and Conflict 41:2 (2006): 131-152.