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The Transformation of Parliamentary Procedures by Technology Innovation

6 ottobre 2017 ore 9:00

Camera dei Deputati, Sala del Mappamondo Piazza di Monte Citorio 1, Rome

9.15: Greetings

Paolo Coppola (Italian Chamber of Deputies – President of the Parliamentary Committee of Enquiry on the Digitalization of the Public Administration)

9.30: Introduction

Nicola Lupo (EUPADRA Director, LUISS)

9.45: Teaching and Practicing Legislation in a Globalized World

Helen Xanthaki (President, International Association for Legislation UCL Faculty of Laws, University College London)

10.00-11.00: Keynote speech on “The impact of ICT on Political and Parliamentary Time”

Klaus Goetz (Ludwig Maximilians Universität München)

11.00-11.30 (coffee break)

11.30-12.30: Roundtable on “"ICT and Processes of Political Representation" 

Cristina Fasone (LUISS – Department of Political Science), Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou (SCIENCE PO), Patricia Popelier (University of Antwerp), Michele Sorice (LUISS – Department of Political Science)

Chair: Constantin Stefanou (IALS – University of London)

12.30-13.30: Roundtable on “ICT and Parliamentary Procedures”

Nicolas Besly (House of Lords), Claudia Di Andrea (Chamber of Deputies, IT Department), Mauro Fioroni (Senate of the Republic, IT Department), Giovanni Piccirilli (LUISS – Department of Law)

Chair: Angel Sánchez Navarro (Universidad Complutense Madrid)

13.30-13.45: Official opening of the 2nd edition of the Master

Lorenzo Gabrini Bellincampi (EACEA), Lorenzo Valeri (Scientific Manager, LUISS School of Government)


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ID/Passport control at the entrance

Registration is mandatory.