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Perspectives on the new centrality of the Mediterranean

4 dicembre 2019 ore 9:00

Luiss Guido Carli, Aula Polivalente Viale Romania, 32

Seminario in lingua inglese organizzato nell'ambito del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e del Master MISLAM della Luiss School of Government, in collaborazione con il CRiSSMA Centro di Ricerche sul Sistema Sud e il Mediterraneo Allargato dell'Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, Milano.


States, Actors and Geopolitical Drivers in a Changing Region

Part I

The new centrality of the Mediterranean Basin: trends and dynamics

Aula Polivalente – 9:00 – 13:00

9. 00 Institutional Opening

Session I (9:30-11:00)

 Chair: Riccardo Redaelli, Catholic University of the S. Heart

  • The political situation along the Southern shore of the basinFrancois Burgat, Centre national de la recherche scientifique
  • Islamic movements in the Mediterranean BasinMohammed Hashas, Luiss
  • The Youth Bulge Dynamics in the Mediterranean Region: The Geopolitical Implications of Demography on Security and StabilityAlfonso Giordano, Niccolò Cusano University

Coffee break (11:00-11.30)

Session II (11:30-13:00)

 Chair: Maria Elena Cavallaro, Luiss

  • The Mediterranean as a new world hub and its role in the Belt and Road InitiativeRenzo Cavalieri, Venice University “Ca’ Foscari”
  • Gender and Economics in Mediterranean: Looking for new opportunities for North African womenErsilia Francesca, Naples University “L’Orientale”
  • Egypt and the regional challengesGennaro Gervasio, “Roma Tre” University


Part II

Hotspots of crisis and regional interferences in the Mediterranean

Aula 405 – 14:00 – 17:00

Session III (14:00-15:30)

 Chair: Maria Giovanna Stasolla, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

  • Proxy wars in the Levant: the case of Siraq, Andrea Plebani, Catholic University of the S. Heart
  • The Libyan storm and its regional side effectsAlessia Melcangi, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
  • Turkey as a Mediterranean countryLea Nocera, Naples University “L’Orientale”


Session IV (15:30-17:00)

 Chair: Francesca M. Corrao, Luiss 

  • The evolving scenario of TunisiaRenata Pepicelli, University of Pisa
  • The Israeli – Palestinian impasseArturo Marzano, University of Pisa
  • Mashreq Monarchies’ role in MEDLuigi Giorgi, Luiss - Odetta Pizzingrilli, Luiss
  • ConclusionFrancesca M. Corrao, Luiss - Riccardo Redaelli, Catholic University of the S. Heart
