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The Internationalisation of Constitutional Law

12 aprile 2021 ore 17:00


The Internationalisation of Constitutional Law

A discussion on the book by Sergio Bartole, The Internationalisationof Constitutional Law. A View from the Venice Commission (Hart Publishing, 2020)

12 April 2021
5:00 pm

  • Introduction

Sergio Bartole, University of Trieste


Ilaria Del Vecchio, Luiss University

Pietro Faraguna, University of Trieste

Cristina Fasone, Luiss University

Orlando Scarcello, Luiss University

  • Conclusion

Raffaele Bifulco, Luiss University

Robert Schütze, Luiss University

  • Coordinator

Nicola Lupo, Luiss University


Event organized in the framework of the Jean Monnet Chair in "Understanding European Representative Democracy"


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