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Practitioners’ talks on career perspectives and opportunities in international governmental bodies

14 dicembre 2021 ore 14:00

Luiss Campus Viale Pola 12

Practitioners’ talks on career perspectives and opportunities in international governmental bodies

Giulio Venneri, Team Leader at the European Commission and Adjunct Professor, Luiss University

Jobs Across the Globe: Career Opportunities in the Field Offices of United Nations Agencies
Lucio Valerio Sarandrea, Justice and Child Rights Specialist for South East Asia and the Pacific at UNICEF

Working ‘on’ and ‘for’ Democracy: Opportunities in International Vote Monitoring and democracy-building
Gianfranco Bochicchio, Member of the Elections Monitoring Division at the European External Action Service


Both practitioners’ presentations will be followed by a targeted Q&A session on careers.

Find out more about the program