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Daniele Gallo

Full Professor of EU Law (Professore ordinario di diritto dell’Unione europea) at the Law Department of Luiss University.

Jean Monnet Chair on Understanding EU Law in Practice: EU Rights in Action before Courts (ERASMUS + 2020, European Commission’s award), Professeur invité at Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris) and Senior Research Fellow at the University of Lisbon.

He is currently working on two monographs: “Public Services and EU Competition Law” (Routledge, 2021) and “Direct Effect and the Nature of EU Law” (Oxford University Press, 2023).

He sits on the Steering/Executive Committee of the EU funded project Engage (Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020) and leads it at Luiss.

He joined Luiss Law Faculty in 2011. He currently teaches EU Law, EU Internal Market as well as Diritto dell’Unione europea, and has previously taught International Economic Law and International Environmental Law.

He is Vice-Dean for international law programs, sits on the Governing Council of the School of Government, is the academic delegate and coordinator of the dual degrees program (with 16 foreign partners) as well as of the European Law major at the Law Department, Co-Director of the MA in International, Comparative and EU Law (ICEUL), Co-Director of the LLM in European Law and Policies (MELP), and a member of the Ph.D. Faculty.

He holds a degree in Law (magna cum laude and special mention) and a Ph.D. in International and EU Law (special mention) both from Sapienza University (Rome). Prior to or during his Ph.D. he specialized in International and EU Law at Hague Academy of International Law (The Hague), World Trade Institute (Berne), Academy of European Law (Florence), and Salzburg Law School (Salzburg).

He has been Recurring Adjunct Professor of EU Law at the School of Law of American University (Washington DC), Professor invitado at Universidad de La HabanaProfesseur invité at Université Capitole de Toulouse, Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Global Governance Studies (Leuven), European Union Fulbright Schuman Scholar at Fordham Law School (New York), DAAD Fellow at Max Planck Institute for Public International Law and Comparative Law (Heidelberg), and Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute (Florence).

He was guest/invited speaker and/or lecturer at several institutions in Europe and US, such as, amongst others, EUI (Florence), Utrecht University, Italian Society for International Law, NYU School of Law, Fordham Law School (NY), King’s College (London), University of Oslo, KU Leuven, University of Lisbon, Université de la Bretagne Occidentale (Brest), Université de Tours (colloque annuel de la CEDECE), Sapienza University of Rome, Roma Tre University, University of Milan, University of Naples Federico II, University of Parma, University of Turin, University of Genoa, University of Teramo, University of Sannio.

He has been a member of the Steering Committee for the joint United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)’s 2013 Sustainability Report entitled Carrots and Sticks – Promoting Transparency and Sustainability. As a legal advisor he acted, in 2015, for the Italian Ministry for Economic Development, in 2017 for the European Food Security Agency and in 2019 for the Region Valle d’Aosta.

Prof. Gallo is co-editor of Rivista della Regolazione dei Mercati, was co-editor of European Papers, and as/is member of several other journals’ editorial boards, including Diritto del Commercio Internazionale.

Co-editor of a book on Same-Sex Couples before National, Supranational and International Jurisdictions (Springer, Berlin, 2014, Foreword by G. de Burca, 572 pp.), reviewed in journals such as International Journal of Constitutional Law, Revue critique de droit international privéItalian Yearbook of International LawStudi sull’integrazione europea, Diritto Pubblico.

Author of two monographs: 1) I servizi di interesse economico generale. Stato, Mercato e Welfare nel diritto dell’Unione europea, Giuffrè, Milan, 2010, 860 pp., reviewed in Common Market Law ReviewLegal Issues of Economic IntegrationRevue du Droit de l’Union européenneRivista trimestrale di diritto pubblicoDiritto comunitario e degli scambi internazionali; 2) L’efficacia diretta del diritto dell’Unione europea negli ordinamenti nazionali. Evoluzione di una dottrina ancora controversa, Giuffrè, Milan, 2018, 550 pp., reviewed in Revue trimestrielle de droit européenRevista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo and Rivista di Diritti Comparati.

Author of about 100 contributions in International and EU Law published in various edited books (Edward Elgar, Brill/Martinus Nijhoff, Springer Verlag, Eleven International, Cambridge University Press, Kluwer International, Sweet & Maxwell, Pedone, Giuffrè, Giappichelli, Cedam, etc.) and law journals/yearbooks, such as, amongst others, European Public LawEuropean Law JournalEuropean Papers. A Journal on Law and IntegrationEuropean Business Law ReviewFordham International Law JournalAmerican University International Law ReviewInternational Organizations Law ReviewEuropean Journal of Social LawAnnuaire de droit de l’Union européenneRevue des affaires européennes and Revue du Droit de l’Union européenne, in addition to several Italian law journals (Il Diritto dell’Unione europeaStudi sull’integrazione europeaDiritto del commercio internazionaleRivista italiana di diritto pubblico comunitarioDiritti umani e diritto internazionale, etc.).

Attorney-at-Law (Of Counsel at Studio Legale Zoppini), he has pleaded before the European Court of Human Rights, the UNIDROIT Administrative Tribunal and the ILO Administrative Tribunal, and acted as adviser on EU law in a number of proceedings before national jurisdictions, the European Commission and the CJEU.

Prof. Gallo had media appearances in leading newspapers, news agencies and broadcasters, such as Reuters, ADNKronos, Bloomberg and Bloomberg Businessweek.

(new) personal page on Academia