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Luca Pirolo

PhD in Management Assistant Professor in Corporate and Business Strategies at LUISS University University Researcher in the Corporate and Business Strategies field Director of LUISS Creative Business Center Tenured Professor of Corporate and Business Strategies. Currently he teaches classes at the undergraduate program in Business and Management (LUISS), at the graduate course in Business Administration (LUISS), and at the 2nd level Master Degree in Institutional Relations, Lobbying and Corporate Communications (LUISS). Prof. Pirolo is also the Director of the LUISS Creative Business Center (business unit of LUISS Business School for education and research on the creative industries) and director of the Master programs in Art, Music, Writing for Television and Cinema, and Fashion. Moreover he is a member of various scientific committees. Prof. Pirolo is author of numerous publications on topics ranging from Place marketing and international growth processes of small/medium enterprises to business performances in creative industries.