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Sabino Cassese

Sabino Cassese is Justice Emeritus of the Italian Constitutional Court and Emeritus professor at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa. He teaches at the Luiss University - School of Government. Since 1961, has served as professor at the Universities of Urbino, Naples, and Rome. In 1993-94 he was a member of the Italian Government and from 2005 to 2014 Justice at the Italian Constitutional Court. Sabino Cassese has received a doctor honoris causa degree from eight universities: Aix-en-Provence (1987), Cordoba (1995), Paris II (1998), Castilla-La Mancha (2002), Athens (2002), Macerata (2002), European University Institut (2010) and Roma La Sapienza (2016). Among his recent publications:  Research Handbook on Global Administrative Law (2016, Elgar, editor); Lezioni sul meridionalismo (2016, Il Mulino, editor); Territori e Potere, (2016, il Mulino), La Democrazia e i suoi limiti (2017, Mondadori).