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UN Model Programme


In July 2022, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Luiss University formed a new partnership by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to advance food and nutrition security, sustainability, inclusiveness, and resilience of agri-food systems. As part of the MoU, Luiss organises annually a United Nations (UN) Model Programme, involving students coming from allover the world. This is a special opportunity for the participants to get acquainted with the UN world and to learn more about the FAO, its principles and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The UN Model Programme is hosted by World Food Forum (WFF)

The WFF, launched in 2021, is a ‘global network of independent, youth-led partners facilitated by the FAO’. Its goal is to create a global movement that empowers young people around the world to actively transform agri-food systems to help achieve the SDGs and a better food future for all. It is the leading global forum to harness the passion and power of young people to identify solutions and inspire positive action for agri-food systems. The Forum functions as a global think tank promoting youth-led solutions in innovation, science, and technology.

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