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Specialized Trainings


Our preparatory course will be structured in two days of in-class lessons and exercises where students will be introduced to all steps of the competition to become an EU official. We will provide guidance on how to better approach the various selection steps including computer-based testing and the assessment stage in Brussels.

This competition takes place every year and selects EU officials and functionaries. The EPSO exam has been introduced a few years ago and all permanent staff of the EU institutions are recruited through this procedure.

With the EPSO Competition it is possible to enter all EU institutions, such as the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, the European Court of Auditors (ECA), the Court of Justice of the EU, the European Parliament (EP), the Committee of the Regions (CoR) and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).

The acquired skills can be useful also for the selection processes in other international organizations.

EU Project Management:

This intensive two-day training course is designed for those students interested in getting involved in EC-funded programmes and projects. The course in particular is an introduction to the Project Cycle Management (PCM), the standard procedure to carry out programs and projects. It is the official tool required by the European Commission and many bilateral donors and follows a sequence based on specific phases. In particular, it intends to explain the PCM approach focusing on theoretical and practical analysis of all project phases (programming, identification, formulation, implementation, monitoring, reporting, evaluation and audit).

The course, which is based on EC Project Cycle Management Guidelines, is a combination of theoretical explanations and practical exercises. Every step will be explained with examples of approved proposals and discussed in working groups and question and answer sessions.