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New Political Leadership for a New Europe

New Political Leadership for a New Europe

Luiss School of Government is pleased to announce that will be hosting the next edition of the Mercator European Dialogue Training for Member of National Parliaments, a unique event where parlamentarians from across the whole Europe gather and discuss the key issues in today's European agenda: political leadership, new media, public advocacy, policy making and much more.

Leading thinkers, journalists and civil society leaders, together with major international policy specialists, will conduct the training and share their precious knowledge. Luiss School of Government's faculty members Giovanni Orsina, Lorenzo De Sio and Emiliana De Blasio will be a part of this exceptional group of experts.

The initiative, which will take place at Luiss University in Rome on June 14-15 2019,  is organized in cooperation with many national and international partners: 

Stiftung Mercator,The German Marshall Fund of the United StatesIstituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)Barcelona Center for International Affairs (CIDOB)Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy. (ELIAMEP).