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The Politics of the Pandemic: A Transatlantic Perspective

The Politics of the Pandemic: A Transatlantic Perspective

A new webinar jointly organized by Luiss School of GovernmentLuiss School of Journalism and Georgetown University

Monday 20 April 2020, 7:00pm (CET)

The Coronavirus pandemic and the ensuing slump will have very deep and most likely lasting political consequences. The webinar analyses how Europe and the US have reacted to the crisis so far and offers insights on how the coming challenges could reshape their politics in the near future.


  • Opening Remarks and introduction

Andrea Prencipe, Rector Luiss Guido Carli

  • Chair

Giovanni Orsina, Director Luiss School of Government

  • Discussion

Anthony Clark Arend, Georgetown University

Gianni Riotta, Director Luiss School of Journalism