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Luiss SOG Executive Programme Equips Western Balkan Civil Servants with Key Anti-Fraud and EU Funds Management Skills

Luiss SOG Executive Programme Equips Western Balkan Civil Servants with Key Anti-Fraud and EU Funds Management Skills

The Luiss Executive Programme on "Effective Management and Anti-Fraud Controls in the Use of EU Funding Instruments" has successfully concluded, providing civil servants from the Western Balkans with crucial knowledge and skills. The participants gained invaluable insights, particularly from the expertise shared by the BETKONEXT, a project focused on improving governance and combating fraud in the use of EU funds.

This dynamic training, held both online and on the Luiss campus, covered essential topics such as Public Procurement, Administrative Transparency, and EU funds management. It was made possible through the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the CEI Fund at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

With a strong emphasis on practical applications, the program empowers its participants to become agents of positive change. As they return to their home countries, they are equipped to share and implement their newly acquired knowledge, driving growth and fostering innovation within their communities.

The collaboration between Luiss, BETKONEXT, and key institutional partners reflects the ongoing commitment to strengthening public administration capacities across the region, aligned with the broader goals of the Central European Initiative.