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Tuition Fees

Tuition fees for the Summer School have been fixed at:

  • €800 excluding accommodation
  • €1150 including accommodation.

If you need accomodation, please feel free to contact the SoG Secretariat at:

Participants who are or have been affiliated to LUISS Guido Carli University or to one of partners of this program will receive a discount of 10%.  Should you want to be considered for this discount, please indicate this in the motivation letter and in the section "Note" of the application form.


Summer Schools Joined Programme 2019 (1-19 July 2019)

Luiss School of Government gives the opportunity to attend a three-week joined programme in July 2019 (1-19 July). The initiative aims to provide attendants with a wider overview on political and institutional changes which are occurring in the European democracies. The joined programme allows students to deepen their knowledge attending two summer schools, Summer Program on Parliamentary Democracy and Summer School on Populism and Democracy, which will offer a multidisciplinary perspective on populism parliamentary democracy.

The Summer Program on Parliamentary Democracy in Europe applies research-based knowledge and professional expertise to the actual contexts where Parliaments in Europe and beyond are facing an unprecedented decline in their legitimacy and ability to address constituents’ demands and concerns. The Program aims at exploring the tension between representative democracy, elections and new forms of populism in a time where democracy is more and more often associated just to the electoral moment and to popular consensus, thereby neglecting the significance of other accountability mechanisms and of the daily enforcement of the values of liberal constitutionalism.

Tuition fees for the three-weeks Programme:

  • €1700 excluding accommodation
  • €2200 including accommodation

If you wish to attend the three-weeks Joined Programme, please specify it in in the section "Note" of the application form.