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Panel debate on the future of Europe

12 aprile 2019 ore 14:00

LUISS Guido Carli, Aula Toti Viale Romania 32

The European Union has gone through a very tumultuous decade, having had to grapple with the Eurozone crisis, the refugee crisis and a less predictable and rule-bound global context. The EU that emerged from the crises has become more differentiated and faces strong centrifugal pressures not only from Brexit but from a pan-European ‘new’ nationalist or ethnic nationalism that is deeply Eurosceptic. Historically differentiated integration has been an important mechanism for handling Europe’s diversity. Today it is not clear if differentiation is part of the problem or part of the solution. As a part of the launch of the research Horizon 2020 project EU Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy (EU3D), we invite to a panel debate on EU’s future patterns of differentiation, dominance and democracy. The debate will outline Europe’s challenges and discuss possible ways for dealing with them.



 Giovanni Orsina, Full Professor and Director Luiss School of Government



Fabiano Schivardi, Full Professor and Vice-rector for Research, Luiss Guido Carli



Sergio Fabbrini, Full Professor and Dean of the Political Science Department, Luiss Guido Carli 



Giuliano Amato, Italian Constitutional Court, former Italian Prime Minister

Marian Harkin, MEP, European Parliament

Turkuler Isiksel, Professor, Columbia University

Yves Mény, Luiss Guido Carli, former President European University Institute

Jean Claude Piris, Former Director-General of the Council Legal Service, Council of the EU



John Erik Fossum, EU3D coordinator, ARENA Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo

