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The European Parliament after the 2019 elections

21 giugno 2019 ore 9:00

Luiss Guido Carli, Sala del Consiglio Viale Pola 12, Roma

h. 9.00 – Greetings and issues under discussion

Nicola Lupo (LUISS)


h. 9.15-9.35 Introduction

Maria José Martínez Iglesias (European Parliament, Legal Service), The European Parliament, between new challenges and the continuity with the previous parliamentary term


h. 9.35-10.20 Discussants

Robert Bray (European Law Institute)

Beatrice Gianani (Senate of the Italian Republic, Permanent Representation to the EU)

Sandra Kröger (University of Exeter and European University Institute, RSCAS)


10.20-11.20 Debate and Q&A


Moderator and concluding remarks

Cristina Fasone (LUISS)




To attend, please register at