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Call for Panels - International Association for Political History (APH) Conference 2020

For its 2020 conference (11-13 June 2020 - Luiss-Guido Carli University, Rome), the Association for Political History ( invites proposals for panels that consider, in a historical perspective, examples of how the multiple layers of the political have connected and interacted with each other during the last three centuries. We welcome senior researchers, but also encourage PhD candidates to submit proposals and participate in the conference.

Proposals must be sent by the 31st of January 2020 to the email address of the APH 2020 Organization Committee ( and must include:

-         the description of the panel (1000 words maximum)

-         the abstracts of the individual papers (200 words each)

-         the short biographic notes of the participants (100 words each)

Panels will be composed of maximum of four participants and one discussant.

Click here for more information.