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Paolo Gentiloni at Luiss Guido Carli

On Monday 25 November, Luiss inaugurated the Intesa Sanpaolo Chair on European Governance, the first chair established on the issues of transformation of the decision-making systems of the European Union.

The event, organized by the Department of Political Sciences, was attended by the European Commissioner appointed to the Economy Paolo Gentiloni, the Luiss President Vincenzo Boccia, the Vice President Paola Severino, the Rector Andrea Prencipe, the General Director Giovanni Lo Storto, the Professor Sergio Fabbrini and by Jacques Moscianese, Group Head of Institutional Affairs Intesa Sanpaolo.

The Chair was assigned to Professor Sergio Fabbrini, Director of the Department of Political Science of the University, to testify his national and international centrality acquired on political science issues. With the multiple crises of this decade, the EU has gone through a real paradigm shift. The original supranational project has been challenged by national governments, committed to introducing intergovernmental ways of managing public policies. In particular, those traditionally close to national sovereignties, the so-called core state power policies, such as fiscal and budgetary policy, security policy, migration and asylum policy, defense and foreign policy.

The Chair is dedicated to the study of these transformations, with particular reference to the governance of the Eurozone. The future of Europe is the present of the Luiss educational and research programs.