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Joint Master in EU Trade & Climate Diplomacy

Joint Master in EU Trade & Climate Diplomacy

Learn how to drive sustainability into EU global policy


The Joint Master in EU Trade & Climate Diplomacy (EUDIPLO) is addressed to a new generation of policymakers interested in European policy promoting sustainability in international relations, science diplomacypolitics, and research in sustainable development.

As a global trade and investment’s player and climate leader, Europe has a key role in science diplomacy to solve the interconnected pandemic and climate crises. 

The EUDIPLO Master addresses the “Green” recovery to the pandemic crisis, and proposes innovative ways of rebuilding a more resilient and sustainable economy and society with a focus on climate mitigationcircular economy and fair digital trade.

The curriculum focuses on on-site lectures, case studies, workshops in European knowledge and policy hubs (Rome, Berlin, and Nice, with study trip to Brussels) led by high-level lecturers, diplomats and policy experts in international relations, circular economy and digital trade. Deploying Science Diplomacy, it brings together politics and research in sustainable development.

Bolster your analytical and strategic thinking in sustainability and climate policy, and get the essential skills for a career in policy development, European and International Affairs and Diplomacy, Digital Trade, Circular Economy Development.