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RAND Europe and Luiss School of Government examine future security and defence challenges in Europe

What are the new security and defence challenges in Europe? How is the current security environment evolving? What will be the impact of Covid19? 

Luiss School of Government an RAND Europe will explore these issues with a joint webinar involving Prof. Raffaele Marchetti, Luiss Professor of International Relations, Ruth Harris, Research Group Director Defence, Security and Infrastructure at RAND Europe and James Black, Senior Analyst Defence, Security and Infrastructure at RAND Europe.

Introduction and Remarks, by Giovanni Orsina, Director Luiss School of Government and Hans Pung, President RAND Europe. 

This webinar will be held on Thursday 28/05 from 1 PM to 2:30 PM.


* To access via computer, it is recommended to use the web browser Google Chrome. To access via mobile devices or tablets, we suggest downloading the app «Webex Meet».