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Webinar: Constitutionalism, Democracy and Rule of Law

17 luglio 2020 ore 14:30


Webinar organized in collaboration with Reconnect, in the framework of the Summer Program on “Parliamentary Democracy in Europe”, Luiss School of Government.

Institutional Greetings
Giovanni Orsina Director, Luiss School of Government

Cristina Fasone Professor of Comparative Public Law, Luiss Guido Carli University
Nicola Lupo Professor of Public Law, Luiss Guido Carli University

  • First Roundtable - Constitutional Democracy in Trouble?

This roundtable aims to discuss and critically assess the ongoing process of democratic decay and the crisis of liberal constitutional values in Western legal systems. Several “consolidated democracies”, in Europe and beyond, are undergoing a process of gradual erosion from within. What are the basic tenets of constitutional democracies and when do they become democracies disfigured? How does this process come about and what are the consequences for fundamental principles like separation of powers and pluralism? The speakers will deal with the topic by highlighting how populism, the “constitutional identity” discourse, the tension between religious freedoms and democratic “vivre ensemble” and, lately, the coronavirus pandemic have let a diffused constitutional malaise to emerge and to endure over time.

Pietro Faraguna Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Trieste
Myriam Hunter-Henin Professor in Law and Religion and Comparative Law, University College London
Yaniv Roznai Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law, IDC Herzliya


Moderation by Nicola Lupo Professor of Public Law, Luiss Guido Carli University

  • Second Roundtable - Democratic and Rule of Law Backsliding in the European Union

Once defined as “a Community based on the rule of law”, over the last few years the European Union has constantly been under the pressure of a rule of law backsliding due to the constitutional “retrogression” experienced by some of its Member States. What are the meaning and the scope of the EU rule of law as a value? Is the Union able to enforce and to abide to the standard? The speakers will engage with these questions and will analyse the strengths and the weaknesses of the old and new instruments the Union has deployed to counter the rule of law degradation. In the roundtable tools like Article 7 TEU, the rule of law framework, the rule of law conditionality in EU funds, infringement proceedings and the role of the Court of Justice of the EU will be critically reviewed.

Antonia Baraggia Professor of Comparative Public Law, University of Milan
Laurent Pech Professor of European Law, Middlesex University of London
Jan Wouters Professor of International Law and International Organizations, KU Leuven, and Coordinator of the Horizon 2020 Project Reconnect


Moderation by Cristina Fasone Professor of Comparative Public Law, Luiss Guido Carli
