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Curricular internship

The Curricular Internship is a training experience carried out in a real professional context.

Participants have the possibility to do this kind of internship as long as they are students of the course.

The Curricular Internship allows students to access the employer’s sites, with all the required insurance coverage (e.g INAIL e RC).  There is no obligation for the employer to hire the interns neither to correspond a reimbursement fee during the period of attendance.

The experience can normally last from 1 to 6 months, with a full time or part time formula.

The Internship gives students the opportunity to get in touch with the labour world, to make a useful experience to consciously define the personal professional objectives and to develop hard and soft skills to be more attractive on the labour market. It doesn’t have the purpose to directly determine the placement of the student.

Nonetheless, in the current labour market, candidates that have already had practical experiences in professional contexts have an evident asset, compared to others.

ATTENTION: After the obtainment of the degree title, it’s not possible to activate a Curricular Internship but only Extracurricular internships, submitted to different regulations.