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Academic Program

Lessons will take place:

  • 28 May, 9 AM-5 PM
  • 4 June, 9 AM-5 PM
  • 11 June, 9 AM-5 PM
  • 18 June, 9 AM-5 PM

Module / #



Time (h)


MOD 1 

Sustainable Development background and institutional framework

Historical perspective on the UN sustainable development goals.

Prof Giovanni Orsina

Director of Luiss School of Government, Full Professor of Contemporary History, Luiss Guido Carli, Rome  




Agenda 2030. Goals and targets at the aftermath of the first threshold.


Prof Enrico Giovannini

Full Professor of Economic Statistics at the University "Tor Vergata" and Professor of Sustainable Development at Luiss, Rome. Founder and spokesperson of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) 






Drivers of the international policies



International Law in a development context and the impact of UN policies on local markets.


Dr Christine Lutringer


Senior Researcher Executive Director at Albert Hirschman Centre On Democracy, Graduate Institute Geneva, Geneva 




Drivers of Agenda 2030


Future Scenarios (including Covid Impact);
Agenda 2030 sdgs and targets;
data analysis, global index monitoring and benchmark.



Prof Luciano Monti


 Scientific Manager of the Executive Course, Adjunct Professor of European Policy at Luiss Guido Carli, Rome, ASviS Coordinator Goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth 






Drivers of the European development goals



Policy resilient approach within the Recovery and Resilience facility and
the Multiannual Financial Programme 2021-2027.

Eu resources boosting the transition towards green economy, and digitalization.



Prof Luciano Monti


 Scientific Manager of the Executive Course, Adjunct Professor of European Policy at Luiss Guido Carli, Rome, ASviS Coordinator Goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth 






Empowerment of sustainable goals



Public Procurement: the public sector as driver of sustainable growth and legal best practices.



Avv. Guido Ajello

Director, coordinator of the operating unit “Public Law and Authorities”, PwC TLS Avvocati e Commercialisti, Rome. 




Avv. Claudio Costantino

PhD, LLM, Lawyer, Senior Manager of the operating unit "Public Law & Authorities", PwC TLS Avvocati e Commercialisti, Palermo 




International Arbitration through international development and governance towards 2030



Avv. Roberto Ceccon

Senior Advisor International and Domestic arbitration, Professor of International Trade Law at the University of Trento, PwC TLS Avvocati e Commercialisti, Milan. 




Approach to sustainable development


A.1. Models of Governance – local institutional framework linked to national implementation of Agenda 2030 and Stakeholders Digital Strategy for campaigning and consensus


Dr Domenico Agnello
Partner - PwC New Ventures - Innovation Lead, PwC Advisory S.p.A., Milan




A.2 Project cycle management, logical framework linked to key targets and indicators.



Prof Luciano Monti


 Scientific Manager of the Executive Course, Adjunct Professor of European Policy at Luiss Guido Carli, Rome, ASviS Coordinator Goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth 



A.2.2 The role of internal stakeholder engagement to integrate sustainability into the business model



Dr Giulio Loiacono

Coordinator, Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development 






Tools to improve local development and business climate


Frame, process, deliver and evaluate: assessment of tax policies and impact analysis Improving business climate: ease of doing business.


Dr Cristina Cofacci

 Human Resources 

Vice President Industrial Relations, Labour Law and Welfare 

Leonardo Company 


Dr Renata Mele

Chief Sustainability Officer  

Leonardo Company

