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The United Nations Institute for Training and Research provides innovative learning solutions to individuals, organizations and institutions to enhance global decision-making and support country-level action for shaping a better future. Created in 1963 to train and equip young diplomats from newly-independent UN Member States with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate through the diplomatic environment. Over the years, UNITAR has acquired unique expertise and experience in designing and delivering avariety of training activities and, with a strategy fully focused on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it supports governments to implement the 2030 Agenda. UNITAR, moreover, provides training and capacitydevelopment activities to assist mainly developing countries with special attention to Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and other groups and communities who are most vulnerable, including those in conflict situations.

In 2020, UNITAR delivered close to 900 learning and related activities, including training, learning and knowledge sharing events, benefiting more than 300,000 participants – about 79% of whom were from developing countries including Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Fifty-nine per cent of the Institute’s activities are delivered face-to-face, whilst thirty-eight per cent are delivered via UNITAR’s e-Learning platform. Seventy-eight per cent of UNITAR’s face-to-face activities take place at the country level, whilst some are conducted from UNITAR’s Headquarters in Geneva, as well as through its Offices in New York and Hiroshima.