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About SoG

Luiss School of Government (SoG) is a graduate school training high-level officials to handle political and government decision-making processes. Founded in 2010, SoG has become one of the most relevant institutions in Europe for teaching and research. Based on the faculty of Luiss professors and researchers with an excellent academic reputation, SoG involves faculty from the main national and international universities in its post-graduate programs as well as civil servants, senior managers and directors. Its students are offered advanced courses in a range of different fields so that they can acquire an innovative understanding on how institutions and policies are managed at the national, European and international levels. SoG provides theoretical and hands-on skills of good government.

SoG attracts top students from university graduates to professionals, offering them innovative and international master’s and executive programs. It is one of the few European centres which offer such a high-level of postgraduate training for those who, in both the public and private sectors, study and are involved in public policy processes.

Furthermore, SoG is committed to advanced research and it is a reference point in the global academic debate on the transformations of domestic and international systems. Research is carried out using comparative approaches to explore different areas, many of which with specifically European and global perspectives. The aim of this research activities is to find solutions to complex, real-world problems using an interdisciplinary approach. Luiss School of Government encourages its academic and student community to reach their full potential in research and professional development, enhancing career development with high-quality and clear performance standards.

In 2020, SOG has managed 14 postgraduate programs and 10 executive programs involving over 1000 students. It has delivered its activities both in presence and online involving over 700 academic professors and professional expertssharing their consolidated knowledge and experience with students.