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Save the date: France and Europe After Macron’s Reelection

France and Europe After Macron’s Reelection

  • 12 May 2022, 3:00 pm CEST Room 203, Campus Luiss at Viale Romania 32

 The re-election of President Macron: what are the implications for France and Europe?

Andrea Prencipe, Rector, Luiss University; Mathias Vicherat, Director, Sciences Po Paris; Giovanni Orsina, Director, Luiss School of Government; Marc Lazar President, Luiss School of Government; Valentina Meliciani, Director, Luiss School of European Political Economy; João Vale de Almeida, Ambassador of the European Union to the United Kingdom, and Antonio Parenti, Head of the European Commission Representation in Italy will discuss current and future scenarios.

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