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Doing Business in Africa

The Executive Master in Global Public Diplomacy and Sustainable Development is underway, and many challenging meetings are scheduled for the next few days!
This morning's topic: Doing Business in Africa.

Many relevant speakers discussed renewable energy, Italian business in Africa, possible partnerships among different governments, and future cooperations.

Stay tuned for the next steps!

Thank you Law. Ruggero Arico (Vice President Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo; Head of International Institutional Affairs Enel Group) - Dott. Leonardo Cerciello (Sparkle) - Dr. Barbara Sole (Sparkle) - Dr. Emmanuele Carboni (Sparkle) - Dr. Gabriella Improta (Sparkle) - Law. Giuseppe D'Alessandro (CEO EEMMAX ENGINEERING) - Eng. Esteban Poviña (EEMAXX INNOVATION)

Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
