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Executive Course on Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity in a Global Digital Age: Policy and Management Solutions



Industry representatives, researchers and policy makers are confronted daily with a large array of evolving global challenges connected to the growing pervasiveness of information technologies within private and public organizations. In recent years, the world has seen the growing predominance of artificial intelligence and  the extensive complexities in managing associated cybersecurity risks. 

Organized with the pivotal support of Fondazione Med-Or, Luiss School of Government has launched a unique executive program for 20 carefully selected researchers and policy makers hailing from a selected group of states in the Middle East and Mediterranean region, with the strategic objective of enhancing their skills in examining the global and regional challenges posed by artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, as well as providing them with tested tools and policies to successfully manage such challenges in the near, medium and long term.

The uniqueness of this executive course lies in its academic structure, which combines traditional executive approaches and blends online and on-campus activities through applied action learning. 

Application for scholarships are available only for thoso students who meet the following criteria: 

  • Nationality and residency primarily in one of the following countries: Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain
  • Holder of at least an undergraduate degree when submitting the application
  • Under the age of 40 when submitting the application
  • Knowledge of English with a minimum level of B2
  • Strong professional motivation for attending this Executive Course

The scholarship includes:

  • Free tuition Fee
  • Teaching Material
  • Pre-paid return economy flight from the country of residency
  • Transfers to and from Rome airport
  • Full accommodation between 23 October-29 October 2022
  • Meals related to the academic program

Application deadline: 10 September 2022

Attendance: Online Phase (23 September – 10 October 2022)

In presence module (24-28 October 2022) - Rome

The enrolment is free of charge