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Participation in this course is restricted to 20 participants to be selected on academic and professional merit and who satisfy the following criteria:

  • Nationality and residency primarily in one of the following countries: Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain
  • Holder of at least an undergraduate degree when submitting the application
  • Under the age of 40 when submitting the application
  • Knowledge of English with a minimum level of B2
  • Strong professional motivation for attending this Executive Course

 To apply, interested candidates are required to fill the form and upload the following documents:

  • Motivation letter for attending this executive course
  • Copy of an ID (passport)
  • Academic and Professional CV
  • Undergraduate Academic Transcript in English 

Selected participants will benefit from a scholarship covering the following items:

  • Full tuition Fee
  • Teaching Material
  • Pre-paid return economy flight from the country of residency
  • Transfers to and from Rome airport
  • Full accommodation between 23 October-29 October 2022
  • Meals related to the academic program

For full information about the selection procedures, see the full competition notice here.

Deadline for submitting the full application using this form is 10 September 2022