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The importance of women in leadership: Lectio Magistralis by Stephanie C. Hill

18 ottobre 2022 ore 10:00

Luiss Campus Viale Pola 12

The importance of women in leadership

Our students from the Masters in 'European Security', 'South European Studies', and 'European Studies: EU Institutions and Public Policy' will have the great opportunity to hear a Lectio Magistralis about the importance of women in leadership directly from Stephanie C. Hill, Executive Vice President, Rotary and Mission Systems Lockheed Martin Corporation.
The event, organized with Formiche, is moderated by Flavia Giacobbe, Editor-in-Chief of Formiche. Welcome remarks will be given by Giovanni Orsina, SoG Director. Emiliana De Blasio, Dean's Advisor for Diversity and Inclusion at Luiss Guido Carli University, will present the topic of the Lectio.