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Cyber Intelligence and proactive countering of the cyber threat

Cyber Intelligence and proactive countering of the cyber threat

Present-day Organizations must safeguard and protect themselves from the forefront of the numerous, ever more sophisticated and highly organized cyber-attacks to mitigate and rapidly improve the cyber-resilience which target entities that are part of the National Security.

The Executive Course in Cyber Intelligence and Proactive Countering of the Cyber threat enhances the training of interdisciplinary professional profiles, placed at the service of the private and national sector as well as international public administration. The aim of the course is to train analysts who are able to Implement the doctrine of intelligence to cyber security in order to counter the cyber threat with a tactical-operational and strategic approach.

Here are some examples of potential career paths:

1. SOC, CERT e CSIRT Analyst: Analysts capable of detecting and identifying cyber security threats and taking immediate action to prevent or mitigate attacks, working in a Security Operations Centre (SOC) or Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) or Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT).

2. Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst: Analysts who gather, analyze and disseminate highly sensitive and important information regarding cyber menace to safeguard organizations and entities from cyber attacks specifically to breach information systems.

3. Security Consultant: Professionals in IT risk management and security compliance consulting services for organizations.

 The Executive Course is taught in Italian. 

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