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The Luiss School of Government hosted a round table meeting with the delegation of the National Academy of Public Administration NAPA

The Luiss School of Government hosted a round table meeting with the delegation of the National Academy of Public Administration NAPA, consisting of the Director, Dejan Miletić and the Deputy Director, Dejan Raketic. In light of the current international geopolitical context, the main topics of the meeting were the political, economic and security aspects affecting the Western Balkans region.

Luiss has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) of the Republic of Serbia, with which already in the coming weeks important initiatives in the field of training of the Serbian public administration will be developed, as well as projects that may also involve neighbouring countries, which are also in the process of joining the UE.

The round table was attended by the following participants:

  • Dejan Miletić, Director of NAPA
  • Dejan Raketic, Deputy Director NAPA
  • Raffaele Marchetti, Luiss Vice-Rector for Internationalisation
  • Marc Lazar, President of the School of Government Advisory Board
  • Nicola Lupo, Professor of Public Law and Director of CESP, Centre for Parliamentary Studies at Luiss
  • Lorenzo Valeri, Director of Postgraduate Studies
  • Camilla Scarpellino, Coordinator of the Policy Observatory School of Government
  • Maria Monica Annibaldis, Africa, Mediterranean and Balkans Advisor Luiss
  • Federico Niglia, Professor of Contemporary History Luiss