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SoG Students Met Antonio Tajani, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Italy and Europe: future challenges between war and Immigration

Special guest of today: Antonio Tajani, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, who held a tailor-made speech for our students at Sala delle Colonne - Viale Pola Luiss Campus, in a conversation with Maria Elena Cavallaro, Coordinator of the SoG Masters, Professor of History of International Relations at Luiss Guido Carli and Agnese Pini, Editor in Chief of Quotidiano Nazionale. 

The event is part of a series of speeches "Futuro Quotidiano" organised in partnership with Quotidiano Nazionale that see the participation of policymakers, top professors, and economists that will focus on different areas of interest for the future of our country. It is the second of many yet to come. 
Stay tuned!