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Leonida Tedoldi

Leonida Tedoldi is a Professor of History of International Relations at the University of Bergamo, where his research and teaching expertise is centered on European, international, Italian, and Spanish institutions. His academic influence extends beyond the borders of Bergamo, as he has been actively engaged in teaching, research, and collaborative initiatives with distinguished Spanish and French universities. Notably, he has also served as a visiting fellow and professor at esteemed institutions such as Universidad de Alicante, Universidad del País Vasco, and HEI (Institut des Hautes Études Internationales, now known as the Graduate Institute Geneva) in Genève, among others.

Until 2019, Tedoldi held a significant role as a member of the Centro de investigación de historia de la democracia española (CIHDE) at Universidad UNED in Madrid, demonstrating his dedication to historical research in Spanish democracy. Additionally, he was associated with the Centre d'Études des Normes Juridiques "Yan Thomas" at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris and actively contributed to the editorial boards of several esteemed scientific journals.

His academic journey further involved the position of Deputy Director at the Center for Political Studies 'Hannah Arendt' within the Department of Human Sciences at the University of Verona, a role he held until 2019. More recently, he co-founded the scientific journal "Instituta. Rivista di Storia delle Istituzioni Europee e Internazionali" in collaboration with Sandro Guerrieri, with the journal published by Biblion.

Beyond his academic endeavors, Tedoldi has established himself as a notable political analyst, frequently featured on national radio programs like Radio Radicale and Radio24, as well as in television and print media. Since 2018, he has lent his expertise to two prominent national think tanks, IAI (Istituto Affari Internazionali) in Rome and ISPI (Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale) in Milan, further solidifying his influence in the field of international affairs.

Among some of his publications: 

- 2021, con Alessandro Volpi, Storia del debito pubblico in Italia. Dall’Unità ad oggi, Roma-Bari, Laterza.

 -2020, a cura, con Giovanni Zucchelli, L’Italia nell’Unione europea. Storia, istituzioni, politica, integrazione, Roma, Carocci.

 -2019, a cura, Il Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri dallo Stato liberale all’Unione Europea, Milano, Biblion.

 -2018, Storia dello Stato italiano. Dall’Unità al XXI secolo, Roma-Bari, Laterza.

 -2018, a cura, con Federica Bertagna, Transizioni in Europa e America Latina (1945-1995). Storiografia, Politica e Istituzioni, Milano, Carocci.

Curriculum Vitae