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Application and Selection Procedures

Application and Selection Procedures  

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and Luiss School of Government will jointly select twenty (20) participants who comply with the following requirements:

  • Full-time member of the diplomatic staff currently posted at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in their own country (diplomats posted abroad or regional and international organizations are non-eligible);
  • Holder of at least an undergraduate degree by the time of the application;
  • Under the age of 35 years old by 31 December 2024;
  • Knowledge of English with a minimum level of B2;
  • Strong professional motivation for attending this Fellowship Program.

Applications must be forwarded using the form by January, 9th 2024: 

Candidates are required to attached to the application:

  • Copy of Passport;
  • Detailed Professional Curriculum Vitae;
  • Full Academic Transcripts in English;
  • Professional Motivation Letter;
  • Letter of agreement by their Ministry of Foreign Affairs supporting the application and permission to attend this Fellowship Program;
  • Certification of knowledge of English (at least B2/C1) where applicable.

Final admission will be formulated by assessing for each candidate his/her academic degree, professional curriculum vitae (CV), professional motivation letter, level of knowledge of English and an interview should this be required. Candidates will be ranked according to the following grading scale:

  • Academic degree: up to 20 points;
  • Professional Curriculum Vitae: up to 20 points;
  • Professional Motivation Letter: up to 10 points;
  • Participation to the 2021/2022 or 2022/2023 a.y. edition of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)/Luiss School of Government Joint Master in Global Diplomacy and Sustainable Development: up to 5 points;
  • Interview: up to 45 points.

Only candidates receiving over 50 points from the combined evaluation of the previous requirements will be invited for the motivation interview to be held remotely.

The final ranking of applications will be drawn up by the Management Committee of the Fellowship Program by January, 10th 2024. The Management Committee will verify the formal regularity of the documents and announce admission. The Management Committee bears the full responsibility of the selection procedure and its result. Winners will be informed using the email contact indicated in the application. A reserve list of candidates will also be prepared. Within five days from the date of this communication, winners must send the Luiss School of Government their formal acceptance and other requested documents. Failing to do so, the Management Committee will move to the first candidate of the reserve list.